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Aquaculture Event

Ornamental Fish Health Symposium

The symposium is designed for people who work with aquarium fish, the ornamental fish trade industry, as well as professional aquarists, aquarium service people and advanced hobbyists.

Time Left:
412 Days
21 Hours
49 Minutes
49 Seconds
Fish Health

Our Aquaculture Program

We have programs in aquaculture for Corals, Clownfish, Bergia, Orchid Dottyback, Cuttlefish, Blue Assessor and several other fish/corals.


Lionfish Research

Indo-Pacific lionfish are an invasive species in the Caribbean and tropical Atlantic. Rick has been actively involved in research of the impact of lionfish on the Caribbean coral reef ecosystems and lionfish behavior.

Call us at +1 610 555 4321 for a free Consultation!

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